Conceived from the life of the blue whale, a symbol of hope. The printing difficulty of this pen is very high. You can know the difficulty of printing from the continuous patterns on the upper and lower tubes. The blue whale’s energy symbolizes the sacred heart in us. Having been driven to the brink of extinction, blue whales have a brutal and bloody history. They symbolize humanity’s power to shape a sustainable future. Enjoy watching your ink color of choice slosh around the massive 3.5mL capacity of this eyedropper filling fountain pen. Engineered for serious fountain pen enthusiasts who love to use their pens to write at extreme length, the Opus 88 Demonstrator is one of the few modern pens to feature an eyedropper filling only system that has a shut-off valve. More commonly found in Japanese vintage fountain pens, the valve regulates the ink flow to prevent ink burping on the page.Opus 88 Demo Eyedropper Filling Fountain Pen Details: Barrel and Cap crafted from acrylic resin with swirls of blue and hand painted artwork Nib: Stainless steel #6 nib with plastic feed Filling System: Eyedropper (includes glass eyedropper) with shut-off valve to safeguard against leakage. Pen Length Closed: 5.63 in. / 143mm Pen Body Max Diameter: 0.63 in. / 15.9mm Pen Total Weight: .9 oz / 23g Ink Capacity: ~3.5ml Gift boxed with an instruction booklet and eyedropper Made in Taiwan
Nib Size | Elastic Fine, Elastic Extra Fine, Medium, Fine, Extra Fine, Broad, 1.5mm Stub |
Color | Blue |
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